Sunday, April 6, 2014

Audio Games Instrumental Album Vol 1

Back when I was a kid, I had this great fascination with video games. I got this love for video games from looking up to my uncle who was a super hero to me growing up. He was a D.J, used to break dance, had all the girls, but the most important thing to my young mind was the fact he was an ace at every video game he would play. My favorite thing to do was walk with him to the store and watch him play. He made those arcade games do things I would never imagine. I wanted to be great like that. So that's when my journey began. Quarter after quarter playing this video game and that video game. The joy and pain of seeing a new game in the store and another game with the sign "out of order" on them. I was becoming a little wiz early, but nowhere near what my uncle was. I liked Pac-Man, but when Ms.Pac-Man came out, I was highly addicted. The game had different mazes. I used to walk a long distance just to play MS.Pac-Man at one store than the one right around the corner because MS.Pac-Man was on super fast. Aw man, Donkey Kong was cool, but when Donkey Kong Jr came out it was on! Yep, the joy of going to the mall and seeing a bunch of games in it and plenty of people playing them. Now that was a party for me. The sounds of an arcade still til this day play in my head when I'm surrounded by total silence. That big boom of you losing a ship from Galaga, characters jumping, ships shooting, people going to the next level, people cussing and hitting on the console in anger of being trapped with no way out, oh yeah, those were the days. As kids we over exaggerate about some things, so this kid tells me that there is this new game called Super Mario Bros in the mall where Mario eats a mushroom and gets bigger than the whole screen. He throws fire balls, while doing ninja spins and when he starts flashing he can run through anything. He says that there is this big dragon you have to make it to and shoot him with 1,000 fireballs to defeat him. And I imagined this game as being easy since I'm the next best thing to my uncle, this kid tells me that the game is the hardest game in the world. Oh no!!! I got to see what this game is all about! I dreamed and day dreamed all day and night about this game. I walked barefooted with my feet beat up from walking on rocks on the ground, cut on glass, and burning from the street, just to see this game. Soaked in sweat from the blazing son. 10 miles away from home I walked to see this game. I already knew the answer would be no if I asked anybody because they didn't go to the mall often. I get there and was mind blown by this game. The screen kept on moving. It was like this game was free from the box screen I was used to. Even the music was awesome. Well.....the sun was looking like it was starting to go down soon, I better get home. I'm walking home amazed at what I had just seen, and preparing for a butt whoopin at the same time. A friend of the family saw me and picked me up not to far from the mall. He had asked me one simple question........what am I doing out here walking this far from home......barefooted? I told him I wanted to see this game. When we got there, he told my momma and I got one of the greatest butt whoopins ever. But man, I also remember going to this popular kids house in the neighborhood when I was young. He was popular because he was the only one to have a ColecoVision.

One of the greatest joys of my life was when the NES system came out. And I got one for Christmas. Mine didn't come with Duck Hunt, but it came with Kung Fu and Super Mario Bros. And wow, we all had fun playing it. I used to have 10 to 15 people in the room taking turns going at it on Tecmo Bowl. Winner plays who is next. Use to play against mom in Pac-Man. She loved that game. I can go on and on about memories of the first time playing Contra, Zelda, Double Dragon, and other games. But some more of my memories are also the music playing in the background. We today love talking about musicians who make awesome pieces of work, but those guys who created music for video games? All of those great loops keeping you occupied as you spend hours upon hours of trying to figure out what you have to do to get to the next level. Those guys were geniuses. It's something about that 8 bit sound that gets in your mind. I guess due to it being repetitious maybe? I want to provide a tribute for those times. Those great memories of accomplishment when defeating an impossible level, or losing a man after being so close to getting half way past the first level. Audio Games instrumental Album is something I was working on back in 2008. Through the years I thought of other ideas for it besides the one I was starting with. So before I release Audio Games Instrumental album, I am going to release what is already done. I'm going to polish that up and release it on 4/25/14. I loved the work that I did on it and I'm sure you all will enjoy listening to it. So be on the look out and prepare to be taking down memory lane or get the feeling that you were there. Peace!

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